November 2011
1. DEAR ABE: Are Muslims allowed to wear shorts? – MAANAL, INDIA
DEAR MAANAL: Muslims can wear any appropriate and decent clothing including shorts. In the Quran, God specifies that we should dress nicely when attending the masjid [1], women should cover their chests [2], and that we should lengthen our garments in order to dress modestly [3]. It is up to each of us to decide what clothing is appropriate. But we should remember that the “best garment” is that of righteousness [4].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 7:31; [2] 33:59; [3] 24:31; [4] 7:26.
2. DEAR ABE: Do couples remain together in the life hereafter, or what happens? Do we forget each other? – REZA, CANADA
DEAR REZA: God tells us in the Quran that we are allowed to enter paradise with the righteous among our families, including our spouses [1]. Those who are fortunate enough to make it to heaven will be given new spouses in hereafter [2]. God also tells us in the Quran that we will be able to remember people and events from our previous lives [3]. The dwellers of heaven will even be able to speak to the dwellers of hell if they choose [4].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 13:23, 43:70; [2] 55:56, 55:72; [3] 13:23, 36:26-27; [4] 7:44-50, 74:40-47.
3. DEAR ABE: Is it okay to be gay? – SIMON, AUSTRALIA
DEAR SIMON: The Quran forbids homosexual behavior and describes it as an abomination [1]. Other behaviors described as an abomination are consumption of intoxicants, gambling, and failing to pronounce God’s name upon our food before we eat [2]. We all have predispositions toward certain behaviors and it is up to each of us to seek God’s guidance to help us maintain righteousness [3]. We should always remember that God never burdens a soul with more than it can bear [4].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 7:80-81, 27:54, 29:28; [2] 5:90, 6:121; [3] 2:120, 3:73, 6:71, 6:81; [4] 23:62.
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