June 2009
1. DEAR ABE: How can I tell what is gossip and what is not gossip? I would like to know which conversations I am supposed to be avoiding. – TRISHNA, INDIA
DEAR TRISHNA: Although all bad behavior is condemned [1], the Quran does define specific gossip practices to avoid. Suspicion is sinful. Be particularly careful with accusations of adultery [2]. Secondly, anything that involves spying on someone is condemned. Thirdly, backbiting is especially prohibited. Backbiting can occur with or without the person being present, and can include ridiculing, mocking, or taunting [3]. A fourth forbidden conversation practice is vain talk, such as bragging; and a fifth one is lying, which includes bearing false witness [4]. If your conversation involves one of these five behaviors, then ask God to guide you to do better. Use common sense and seek God’s guidance, and this should help both you and those around you avoid unrighteous conversations.
Relevant Verses: [1] 6:120, 17:38, 42:37, 53:32 [2] 4:15, 24:4; [3] 6:68, 49:11-12; [4] 23:3, 24:11-13, 25:72.
2. DEAR ABE: I have just started reading the Quran. In many of the verses We and Us are used when it seems that God is talking, and I and Me should be used. Can you give me any insight into this use of We and Us throughout the Quran? – WHITNEY, USA
DEAR WHITNEY: In the English speaking world, where the trinity doctrine is prevalent, some people are intrigued by God's usage of the plural tense in the Quran. The overwhelming message of the Quran, where there is absolutely no compromise is that "GOD IS ONE" [1]. Thus, whenever the first person plural form is used by the Almighty, it invariably indicates participation of other entities, such as the angels [2]. For example, the use of the plural forms in Verse 15:9 "We revealed this scripture, and We will preserve it," reflects the fact that the angel Gabriel and the prophet Muhammad participated in the delivery of the Quran. In other verses that involve God exclusively, such as God speaking to Moses directly, and the worship of God, the singular tense is used [3].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 2:133, 2:163, 4:171, 5:73, 6:19, 112:1; [2] 2:49, 2:119, 21:91, 66:12; [3] 15:29, 20:12-14, 38:72, 51:56.
3. DEAR ABE: When I mentioned Verse 25:5 where the prophet Mohammad wrote the Quran
himself, my friend replied that the Arabic word is "ak-tata-baha" which is not active. He said that it does not mean Mohammad wrote it down. It means he got it written down. Is my friend right about this? – AAQIL, UK
DEAR AAQIL: The Arabic word in 25:5 “ak-tata-baha” means wrote it down. It should also be noted that the second half of the verse states: it was dictated, or in Arabic, “tumla” to him.” How can something be dictated to someone who cannot write?! Therefore, your friend is not translating the word properly. The correct translation of “ak-tata-baha” is wrote it down [1].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 25:5.
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