January 2008
1. DEAR ABE: This will be a hard question, it a question of moral dilemma. It has been lingering in my mind for sometime now. What is the stand of Islam on controversial issues such as euthanasia, and making abortion legal to avoid the consequences of underground abortion? Get me right here; I am not asking whether abortion is right or not because we all know that it’s wrong but how about its legality? --CURIOUS, TANZANIA
DEAR CURIOUS: The Quran addresses abortion and euthanasia. We must trust God in His decision and ability to take back each human being at exactly their right time [1]. Should we then, make a government that directs people to only righteous acts and punishes non-compliance; such as making abortion illegal? Or is absolute freedom in everything the better road? Some may disagree, but the Quran tells us not to force our religion on others. Thus, freedom is important in society, while humans still have a duty to forbid evil; much like in the U.S. today [2]. In the end, the chaos from evil is an unavoidable by-product of freedom of choice given from God. Our individual duties are to be equitable, just, and strive for righteousness while absolutely protecting individuals against oppression [3]. [4]
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 17:31, 6:151, 5:32, 25:68, 17:33, 4:29-30, 35:11, 3:154; [2] 2:256, 2:193, 8:39, 2:191, 2:217, 3:104, 3:110, 11:116, 11:7, 18:7, 16:97; [3] 18:29, 10:99, 2:30, 8:73, 5:42, 3:57, 16:90, 42:42, 47:31, 2:148, 4:75, 2:191, 8:39; [4] Appendix 36, and Appendix 37 of the Quran translation by R. Khalifa.
2. DEAR ABE: Salam, I would like to know more information about marriage in Islam, and also about adultery please. Can you tell me the regulations from the Quran? --SELIMAH, UNITED KINGDOM
DEAR SELIMAH: Generally, you can marry from any group since you are forbidden only from idol-worshippers. For marriage, there must be a mutual attraction and the ability to provide a dowry. Both must have maturity to handle financial responsibilities, parenting responsibilities and to determine that the potential spouse is not an idol-worshipper. The spouse must be of the opposite sex. Incest is forbidden. Also, any parent input should be regarded [1]. God addresses the offense of adultery in the Quran. It is an immoral, harmful, intentional action and should be handled accordingly. We have all heard of the Muslim adulteress, and sometimes the adulterer, being sentenced to death. These punishments are not found in God’s Scripture, and are man-made rules, and thus they do not comply with God’s instructions in the Quran [2].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 5:5, 4:25, 4:24, 30:21, 2:221, 4:22, 4:23, 7:80-81, 16:72, 42:11, 4:129, 4:1; [2] 17:32, 24:3, 4:15, 4:19, 5:5, 4:24, 4:16, 24:2, 4:25, 24:4 .
3. DEAR ABE: I work as a pizza delivery driver in the UK. Is it halal or haram to do this? -- NASSAR, UK
DEAR NASSAR: I do not see any part of pizza delivery that has been prohibited. We are commanded specifically not to eat pig meat [1]. Since there is no compulsion in our religion, we cannot force our dietary prohibitions on others. The customers should be free to order pork products and pepperoni on their pizza, without being a concern to you [2]. It is up to them to decide whether they will apply dietary restrictions from the Quran to their lives.
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 2:173, 6:145, 5:3-4, 16:114-116; [2] 2:256, 10:99, 18:29 .
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friends represent the
understanding of the
writers, and should not be
taken as the only
acceptable approach. The
reader is encouraged to research the
topics further using the Quran.