December 2010
1. DEAR ABE: I am a Hindu; I got married to a Muslim guy and converted to his religion. There are some festivals and rituals that my family wants me to take part in. The problem is that my Muslim in-laws are against my participation. Now I would like to know if it is a crime to participate and be in a part of a festival with my family? –ABEER, INDIA
DEAR ABEER: Since Idol worship is a gross sin which is not forgivable if it is maintained until death, then a practicing Muslim (or, Submitter in English) must be careful to not idol worship [1]. You would need to be sure that if you partake in these various festivals you will not be committing idolatry. If there is no way to join in without committing idolatry, then you would need to reconsider your participation to avoid the sin. Please keep in mind that those who call themselves Muslims are not exempt in practicing idol worship just because they call themselves Muslims [2]. [3].
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 4:48, 4:116, 6:14; [2] 9:107, 14:30, 16:73; [3] Introduction, Quran the Final Testament by R. Khalifa.
2. DEAR ABE: I married a Muslim man and converted to Islam. I found out recently that I am pregnant with our first child. Do we have to name the child some Muslim Arabic name? Or, can we give the baby a non-Arabic name? – NADIA, JAMESTOWN
DEAR NADIA: There is no such thing as a “Muslim name,” mentioned in the Quran. The Quran alone should be used as our direct source of instruction from God. If God does not clearly instruct us on a particular action in the Quran, then we are free to decide for ourselves while using good judgment and common sense [1]. You may certainly pick a non-Arabic name if you so choose.
Relevant Quran Verses: [1]49:13, 6:114-116, 4:47, 4:60, 42:21.
3. DEAR ABE: I am a mother of a young girl. It is now nine years after her birth, and I have been trying to have a second baby ever since. It has not been successful. I have done many prayers, and Sufi Wazifa meditation chants, but to no avail. Should I continue, or is it not working because I am too morally low? Can you give me some other Wazifa meditations or other ideas? I am very sad about this? –SARAH, USA
DEAR SARAH: As Muslims (or Submitters in English), we submit to God and His will. God controls everything [1]. What you can do is simply pray to God. For example, you can recite Sura 1: The Key. God knows our innermost thoughts and yearnings. If it is God's will that you are not to have additional children, then you can only simply submit to God and accept the fact that it is God's will [2]. Wazifa meditation does not have value above any other form of prayer or meditation; and during the meditation, you would also need to be sure that it was dedicated to God alone [3]. Inshallah (God willing) your prayers will be answered.
Relevant Quran Verses: [1] 6:102, 7:54, 3:109; [2] 50:16, 6:41, 1:1-7; [3] 2:186, 2:112.
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